

China’s startup industry is booming. Here’s a list ofChinese unicorns that have entered the market since the start of the year 中国的创业企业正在蓬勃发展。以下是今年年初以来进入市场的中国“独角兽”企业名单。 Since the beginning of 2017, China has seen its fairshare of unicorns. No, not the national animal of Scotland. We're talking aboutstartups valued in excess of $1 billion. 2017年初以来,中国“独角兽”的市场份额已经相当可观。不,不是苏格兰的国家象征动物。我们谈论的是市值超10亿美元的创业公司。 In 2017, 41 global technology companies have reachedunicorn status, according to data intelligence platform CB Insights. Of those,15 are from China. Europe, by contrast, has hatched just five unicorns thisyear. 根据数据信息平台CB Insights提供的数据,2017年,全球有41家科技公司符合“独角兽”的要求。其中有15个来自中国。相比之下,欧洲今年只有5家。 The United States remains on top (but only just) with 17new unicorns. Since 2009, the US has dominated the global startup scene. Thereare now 215 unicorns globally, with the United States claiming 107 of those,according to CB Insights. The majority are based in California. 美国仍处于领先地位,不过也只有17家新独角兽。2009年以来,美国一直主导着全球创业圈。根据CB Insights的数据,目前全球共有215家“独角兽”企业,其中美国有107家,大多数都是在加州。 But China is catching up fast. In 2014 China only hadeight unicorns, now it has 56. Europe has 23. Most of China’s new class ofunicorns are in the e-commerce and online marketplace industries. "The $1billion-plus valuations for these companies are influenced by the rise ofChina’s middle class that are increasingly shopping online for goods andservices" says William Altman, a technology industry analyst at CBInsights. 但中国正在迎头赶上。2014年,中国只有8家独角兽公司,现在有56家。欧洲有23家。中国的新型独角兽企业主要来自电子商务和网络市场行业。“这些公司估值超过10亿美元,随着中国中产阶级崛起,人们越来越多地选择在网上购买商品和服务,”CB Insights的技术行业分析师威廉•奥特曼表示。 The dominance of Alibaba, Baidu and Tencent in theChinese market is also significant. "Increasing investment activity inChina’s unicorns is also notable for contributing to higher valuations that,in-turn, warrant big-ticket investments" Altman says. 阿里巴巴、百度和腾讯在中国市场的优势非常显著。奥特表示:“中国“独角兽”企业的投资在增加,这有助于提高企业估值,反过来又能为这些企业赢得大量投资。” "While most European countries are stagnating interms of entrepreneurship, China remains wealthy and technologically advanced,with a huge capital inflow" adds Tino Sanandaji, an economist at theStockholm School of Economics. "The sheer force of China's entrepreneurialsurge means it's momentum is likely to continue". 斯德哥尔摩经济学院的经济学家蒂诺•萨纳达吉补充到:“尽管大多数欧洲国家在创业方面都停滞不前,但中国资金充足,技术先进,拥有巨大的资金流。中国创业浪潮的绝对优势意味着,中国创业势头会持续下去。” Struggling to keep up? Our list covers all Chinesecompanies that have reached unicorn status so far in 2017. All figures arebased on analysis by CB Insights. 努力追赶?我们的名单涵盖了所有在2017年达到“独角兽”要求的中国公司。数据来自CB Insights。 1. Vipkid Based in Beijing, Vipkid provides one-on-one videoteaching sessions for Chinese children between the ages of five and 12, withteachers based in North America. Vipkid has attracted investment from eightventure capitalists, six based in China and two in Los Angeles. The company wasvalued at $1.5bn on August 23. 美国小学在家上(VIPKID)位于北京,专注为5岁到12岁的中国孩子提供来自北美的老师的一对一视频教学。Vipkid已经吸引了8家风险投资公司的投资,其中6家来自中国,2家来自洛杉矶。8月23日公司估值为15亿美元。 2. Cambricon 寒武纪科技 Cambricon is developing a brain-inspired processor chipthat simulates human nerve cells and synapses to conduct deep learning. TheBeijing-based startup was valued at $1bn on August 18. It's six investorsinclude Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba Entrepreneurs Fund. 寒武纪科技正在开发一种类脑芯片处理器,它可以模拟人类的神经细胞和突触来进行深度学习。这家总部位于北京的创业公司在8月18日估值为10亿美元。该公司拥有6家投资商,其中包括中国电子商务巨头阿里巴巴创业基金。 3. e-shang Redwood 易商红木集团 e-Shang Redwood Group is a merger between e-Shang Caymanand the Redwood Group Asia. The Shanghai-based real estate startup was valuedat $2.8bn on July 26. Its ten investors include China Minsheng Banking Corp,Huarong Rongde and Shanghai Pudong Development Bank. The group was founded in2011 by Warburg Pincus, an American private equity firm. 易商红木集团是易商和红木集团合并组成。这家总部位于上海的房地产创业公司7月26日的估值为28亿美元。该公司的10家投资商包括中国民生银行、华融融德和上海浦东发展银行。该集团是由私募股权投资机构美国华平投资集团于2011年创立。 4. Sense Time 商汤科技 This AI startup provides text, vehicle and facerecognition to mobile internet companies, financial services and securitycompanies. Based in Beijing and founded in 2015, it joined the unicorn club onthe July 11 and is currently valued at $1.47bn. It has 19 investors, all basedin China and Hong Kong. They include, Star VC, IDG Capital and Infore Capital. 这家人工智能创业公司为移动互联网公司、金融服务和保安公司提供文本、车辆和人脸识别服务。该公司总部位于北京,成立于2015年,于7月11日加入“独角兽”俱乐部,目前估值为14.7亿美元。该公司共有19家投资机构,全部来自中国内地和香港。其中包括,星风投,IDG资本和盈峰资本。无锡太湖翻译 5. Zhaogang 找钢网 Shanghai-based Zhaogang is an e-commerce startupfocussed on steel trading. Founded by Dong Wang in 2012, it was valued at $1bnon the June 29, 2017. Investors include K2 Ventures, Matrix Partners China andIDG Capital. 总部位于上海的找钢网是一家专注于钢铁贸易的电子商务创业公司。该公司于2012年由王东创建,2017年6月29日公司估值为10亿美元。投资者包括险峰华兴、中国经纬创投和IDG资本。 6. Mobike 摩拜单车 This Shanghai-based startup's mobile app lets users rentbikes for their commute. It has 16 investors, with a mix of funding from China,Germany and the United States. It was founded in 2015 by Hu Weiwei and wasvalued at $3bn on June 16, 2017. 这家位于上海的移动应用创业公司,用户可以使用公司的应用程序租用自行车上下班。该公司拥有16家投资商,分别来自中国、德国和美国。该公司于2015年由胡玮炜创立,2017年6月16日估值为30亿美元。 7. DT Dream 数梦工场 DT Dream is an internet services startup specialising incloud computing and big data analysis. Based in Hangzhou and founded in 2015 itwas valued at $1bn on June 8, 2017. Investors include Alibaba Group, ChinaEverbright Investment Management and Yinxinggu Capital. 数梦工场是一家专注于云计算和大数据分析的互联网服务创业公司。该公司总部位于杭州,成立于2015年6月8日,目前估值为10亿美元。投资者包括阿里巴巴集团、中国光大投资管理公司和银星谷资本。无锡太湖翻译 8. Yuanfudao 猿辅导 Run by Fenbi Technology and formerly known as Yuantiku,this ed-tech startup provides students in China with exams via smartphones andtablets. Founded in 2012 by Yong Li, investors include New York-based WarburgPincus. It was valued at $1bn on May 31. 由粉笔科技公司运营的这家教育科技创业公司,之前的名称是猿题库,通过智能手机和平板电脑为中国学生提供考试培训。2012年由李勇创办,投资者包括美国华平。5月31日,该公司的估值为10亿美元。 9. Tuandaiwang 团贷网 Fintech startup Tuandaiwang operates P2P lending siteTuandai.com. It was valued at $1.4bn on May 30. Investors include BeihaiHongtai Investment, China Minsheng Investment and Yisheng Innovation. 金融科技创业公司团贷网运营着P2P借贷网站Tuandai.com。5月30日,该公司的估值为14亿美元。投资者包括北海宏泰投资、中国民生投资和易生金服。 10. Netease Cloud music 网易云音乐 Founded by William Lei Ding in 2013, Beijing-based musicstreaming startup is now valued at $1.16bn. Its main investors are ChinaInternational Capital Corporation, Hunan TV & Broadcast Intermediary andShanghai Media Group 总部位于北京的音乐流媒体创业公司,丁磊于2013年创立,目前估值11.6亿美元。它的主要投资者是中国国际资本公司、湖南电视广播公司和上海媒体集团。 11. Bytedance 字节跳动 Also known as Headlines Today or Toutiao, this is a newsreading app that analyzes data from users' social networking accounts andindividual reading habits to provide customised information. Based in Beijingand founded in 2012, it is now valued at $11bn. It has five China-basedinvestors including Sequoia Capital China, SIG Asia Investments, Sina Weibo andone Russian angel investor, Yuri Milner. 又叫头条网,这是新闻阅读应用程序,通过分析用户的社交网络和个人阅读习惯,来提供订制新闻。该公司总部位于北京,成立于2012年,目前估值为110亿美元。该公司有5家中国投资者,包括红杉资本中国、海纳亚洲创投、新浪微博,以及俄罗斯天使投资人尤里•米尔纳。 12. NIO 蔚来 Formerly known as NextEV, this auto-tech startupmanufacturers smart, electronic, and autonomous vehicles. It's based in Beijingand was founded by William Li in 2014. It's now valued at $2.89bn. It has 24investors, mainly Chinese. 之前叫蔚来汽车,是一家自动技术创业公司,生产智能、电子和自动驾驶汽车。该公司总部位于北京,2014年由李斌创建。目前该公司的估值为28.9亿美元。公司有24家投资者,主要来自中国。 13. Ofo 小黄车 Ofo is a Beijing-based on-demand bike sharing startup.Users scan a code from their smartphones to unlock parked bikes, enter theirdestination and pay via the Ofo app. Founded by Dai Wei in 2014, it was valuedat $1bn in March 2017. It has 18 investors, including Chinese giants AlibabaGroup and Didi Chuxing. Ofo小黄车是一家位于北京的共享单车创业公司。用户可以从智能手机上扫描二维码,以解锁自行车,到达目的地通过OfO应用支付费用。该应用于2014年由戴威创立,2017年3月估值达到10亿美元。公司有18家投资者,其中包括中国巨头阿里巴巴集团、滴滴出行。 14. UR Work 优客工场 This real estate startup rents shared office spaces tosmall businesses and entrepreneurs. Based in Beijing and founded by Mao Daqingin 2015 by, it was valued at $1.3bn this January. It has 18 Chinese-basedinvestors, including Ant Financial Services Group, Dahong Group and SequoiaCapital China. 这家房地产创业公司为小型企业和创业者提供办公场所。该公司总部位于北京,于2015年由毛大庆创建,今年1月的估值为13亿美元。该公司拥有18家中国投资者,其中包括蚂蚁金服、大宏集团和红杉资本。 15. Zhihu 知乎 Zhihu is an internet search engine that uses a votingsystem to find the best answers. Founded in 2012 by Lǐ Shēnshēn, Huáng Jìxīn, Zhōu Yuán and LiShenshen, it has six Chinese investors including Tencent Holdings, SinovationVentures and Qiming Venture Partners. It was valued at $1bn on January 12,2017. 知乎是一个互联网搜索引擎,使用投票系统来寻找问题的最佳答案。李申申、黄继新、周源于2012年建立,有6家中国投资者,其中包括腾讯控股、创新工场和启明创投。2017年1月12日该公司的估值为10亿美元。 评论部分: budihartono78 It's definitely because China has lots of young malevirgins! Unicorns are gay after all. I mean seriously, if you're busy working your asses offin a rising startup, you won't have much time to get a girlfriend until yourimpending arranged marriage at your mother's insistence at your 30s. 这肯定是因为中国有很多年轻的处男!毕竟,“独角兽”指的是同性恋。 说真的,如果你正忙着在一家新兴的创业公司工作,你就不会有太多的时间去找女朋友了,除非你的母亲在你30多岁的时候给你安排好了婚姻。 dtlv5813 A unicorn means a startup with valuation of 1b usd ormore 独角兽指的是估值超过10亿美元的创业公司。 hapigood Black hole. Depends on your relationship with ICBC orAnt. 有黑幕。取决于你与中国银行或者蚂蚁金服的关系。

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