英语新词:就是杞人忧天 怎么办?
Some people can be especially neurotic or nervousby nature, living out their lives in a
state of excessiveworry. These obsessive concerns may either beglobal or amazingly minor
in scope. Such a person isoften said to be a worry wart, also rendered asworrywart or worry-wart in some literary references.A worry wart's fears are generally viewed by othersas
irrational or completely out of proportion to theactual situation.
有些人可能天生就特别神经质或者紧张,成天生活在极度忧虑中。这些过度的担忧可能是宏观的大事也可能是芝麻小事。这种极度忧虑的人就被称为是“忧天的岂人”(拼写为worry wart、worrywart或worry-wart都可以)。他们这些人的担忧通常会被别人看作自寻烦恼或者跟现实情况完全不符。A worry wart in an office environment, for example, may spend most of his or hertime
fretting over getting laid off or fired. While the actual chances of a worrywart actually
becoming unemployed may be remote at best, a neurotic employeeoften seeks out advice from co-workers on how to handle his or her inevitabledismissal. Others may worry excessively about
job performance or customercomplaints or minor conflicts with their superiors.