

A man walks inside a conference room used for meetings between military commanders of China and India, at the Indian side of the Indo-China border at Bumla布姆拉, in Arunachal Pradesh阿鲁纳恰尔邦, November 11, 2009. REUTERS/Adnan Abidi/Files 2009年11月11日,中印边界上位于印度一边的布姆拉,阿鲁纳恰尔邦,一位男士走进中印军事指挥员会议所在的房间。路透Adnan Abidi摄 BEIJING (Reuters) - China expressed "strong dissatisfaction" with India on Thursday over the recent crash of an Indian drone in Chinese territory, an incident that could cause more friction along their disputed border. 北京(路透)- 中国对印度无人机于本周二在中国领土境内坠毁一事表示“强烈不满”,且称此事件将对中印争议边界造成更多摩擦。 Indian and Chinese troops confronted each other between June and August this year - at one stage even resorting to scuffling and throwing stones - on a remote plateau near the borders of India, its ally Bhutan, and China, in the most serious严重的 and prolonged standoff in decades. 今年七八月间,在中印两国数十年来最严重且持久的僵局中,两国军队相互对峙,还在相邻印度边境极其盟友不丹的某处偏远的高原上一度以互扔石头进行混战。无锡太湖翻译 The nuclear-armed Asian giants have tried to develop their ties in recent years but there is still deep distrust over their disputed border, which triggered war in 1962. China's defence ministry said in a statement the Indian drone had crashed in "recent days" but it did not give a location. 近年来,这两个亚洲拥核大国也曾试图发展两国之间的关系,不过在导致了1962年中印战争的边界争端下,两国很难相信彼此。中国国防部在声明中称印度无人机“近日内”坠毁,但是并没有说明坠毁地点。 "This action by India violated China's territorial sovereignty. We express strong dissatisfaction and opposition," Zhang Shuili, a military official in China's western battle zone command, was quoted as saying in a ministry statement. “印度此举侵犯了中国领土主权。我们对此表示强烈不满和反对,”西部战区联合参谋部军事官员(注:副局长)张水利如此说,并被引用为军方声明。 "China's border defence forces took a professional and responsible attitude in conducting an inspection of the device," Zhang said, adding that the military would "resolutely defend" China's sovereignty and security. “中国边防部队采取专业和负责任的态度,对该装置进行了识别查证,”张说补充道:“中国军队将‘坚决捍卫’中国国家领土主权及安全” The Indian army said an unmanned aerial vehicle was on a training mission over Indian territory when it developed technical problems and crossed a so-called line of actual control separating the countries' militaries.Indian border guards alerted their Chinese counterparts about the drone soon afterwards, an Indian army spokesman said. 印度军方则称这架无人机是印度境内训练任务中出现了技术问题,实际上脱离了印度军方的控制,才导致其跨过了所谓的边界。印度发言人说,无人机失控后,印度边界守卫随后还很快向对面的中方人员示过警。 China had provided the Indian army with details about where the drone came down and Indian authorities were investigating, Colonel Aman Anand said in a statement. "The matter is being dealt with in accordance with the established protocols," Anand said. “中方向印度军队反馈了无人机坠毁的细节,印度部门也参与了调查。”Aman Anand 上校说道。“事情已经按照双方已有的协议处理,” China also lodged diplomatic "representations" with India, Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Geng Shuang told a regular briefing. "China asks India to immediately stop its activities of using unmanned aircraft near the border, and to work alongside China to maintain the border area's peace and tranquillity," he said. 中国也对此向印度做了个了外交“陈述”,中国外交部发言人耿爽在例行记者会中说:“中国要求印方立即停止飞行器临边抵边的活动,与中方一道共同维护好边境地区的和平与安宁。”无锡太湖翻译 After the weeks of confrontation on the wind-swept Doklam都兰 plateau this year, the two sides agreed to an "expeditious disengagement" of troops about a week before Chinese President Xi Jinping and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi met in an effort to mend ties at a summit in China in September. 经历过寒风肆虐的都兰高原上几周的对峙之后,中印双方都同意在中国领导人习近平和印度总理纳伦德拉·莫迪十一月份中国峰会会晤之前“迅速撤离”。 But the mountainous border remains sensitive for both sides. In November, China criticised a visit by Indian President Ram Nath Kovind to the remote state of Arunachal Pradesh阿努纳恰尔, which China claims, saying China opposed any activities by Indian leaders in disputed areas. 但是中印之间多山的边境线任然让双方敏感不已。十一月,中国谴责印度总统Ram Nath Kovind在偏远小邦阿努纳恰尔的访问,中国称中方反对印度领导人在争议区域进行的任何活动。 (Reporting by Michael Martina; Additional reporting by Sanjeev Miglani in NEW DELHI and Christian Shepherd in BEIJING; Editing by Michael Perry, Robert Birsel) (Michael Martina报道;新德里新闻Sanjeev Miglani 以及北京的Christian Shepherd补充导报;Michael Perry, Robert Birsel编辑)

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